Happy Valentine's Day!

Hello all. My goal of blogging once a month has turned into more like every 2 months :( Oh well...at least I'm blogging right?

Wanted to jump on for February and post some cute pictures of the kids. I had not done a photo shoot of the two of them in awhile and thought some Valentine photos would make a great opportunity. There is a slide show of the ones that did not turn out blurry. My first 75...yes 75 photos I took were blurry due to camera (and operator) malfunction. It is really too bad because the kids were in rare form. I took at least 40 GREAT shots; had they not been blurry! Of course after 75 poses-Leah & Nolan were getting bored, so once Scott adusted my camera, I had to bribe them for the photos you see in the slide show.

Ugh.... The camera has been acting up since Christmas and I need to take it in to get checked out, but I'm afraid they will tell me I just need a new camera. I really like this camera other than it's bulkiness and now malfunctioning flash.

So I'll be a whopping 37 years old on February 14th! Holy cow -where has the time gone? I remember my mom at 36-37 and thinking she was so old! (Sorry mom) I'm sure that is what Leah thinks of me now :) And unlike most women I know-I am not embarrassed or ashamed at my age & I am counting the years until I can tell people I'm 40, 50, 60 ...and whatever other age I have to reach to be the longest living heart transplant patient! I do believe 28 years post-transplant (could be 29 by now) is currently the record and he/she is still living.

Speaking of which-though 37 years old is no milestone year-2010 marks a milestone year for me. On June 8th I will have survived 20 years post-transplant! I will be celebrating it by going on a hot-air balloon ride with Scott, my sister & some close girlfriends and then wine-tasting afterwards . I cannot wait. I've always wanted to go on a hot air balloon ride and I thought this would be a great way to celebrate this miraculous milestone.

We hope everyone has a splendid Valentine's Day sharing the day with those they love.

Love, Jill, Scott, Leah & Nolan


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing... those lil kiddles of yours are so cute! Happy Birthday to you... and Valentines to you and your family.

Gina and the Gang said...

WOW, 20 years post-transplant, you are amazing, no matter how often you post. I love the photos...hope to see you soon.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Today Jill! Love the updates and pictures!