Nolan turns 1 year!

Well I’m back from Chicago to start the whirlwind last couple weeks of September and the month of October is already packed full of activities! And my kids aren’t even in school yet!

We celebrated Nolan’s 1st birthday with family on Saturday and my little munchkin turns 1 today! Wow! I can hardly believe that 1 year ago my sister was out here helping me with the birth of my baby. And I've yet to get is 1st year scrapbook complete!

Perhaps someday in the near future (hopefully before we finish 2008) I'll get caught up. (I can dream can't I?)

Still trying to get back into the routine of being in charge of two little people after only worrying about myself & helping my sister last week. I think I need a week just to get myself back into the swing of it. Scott, Chris & my mom did a wonderful job of taking care of the kids & holding down the fort for me. I did not even have to clean my house for Nolan's party on Saturday, just some yard clean-up.

It was obvious that Leah had missed her mommy, but I don't know if Nolan even knew I was gone? He looked at me and smiled-but still wanted Daddy to hold him and has not really cared that mom is home. Which I think is a good thing-honestly. I don't have to worry about a clingy baby this week and he is no worse from the wear for mom leaving for a week & weaning him early.

I've posted photos of his birthday party on Saturday & hope to post his stats after his doctor appt. this afternoon.

Sophie Rayne Kuehl arrived!

My niece arrived at 11:44 am on Sept. 13th. She weighs 7lbs, 5oz and is 20.5 inches long. She is so sweet & her big sister Mia is so proud! I hopped on the earliest flight I could get out of Sac (was on stand-by for a direct-but it was too full) so had to stop in San Diego then on to Chicago. I arrived in Chicago at 3:30-got my luggage & took a cab straight to the hospital.

For those that don't know-Lisa had absolutely NO idea I was coming. I had been texting Ron on his cell phone since I found out her water broke Friday night. When I arrived in Chicago-I checked my phone & saw that Ron had sent me a post-partum room #-so I know I had missed the birth :( For the record-the earlier direct flight would not have arrived in time either-she came so quick!

I met Ron's parents in the lobby of the hospital & my niece-Mia (2 1/2) came running up to me-just as my phone rang) It was Lisa! She was calling to tell me she'd had the baby & then proceeded to tell me her birth story as I followed Ron's parents upstairs and down the hospital corridors to her room. I continued to talk to her as I stood outside her door & then I asked her to repeat the baby's stats. She repeated & then I walked into the room & asked the stats again! She looked up & the look on her face was priceless! She started screaming for joy-hopped out of bed (natural-no drug labor-so she could do this) and we hugged and cried! We even had Ron & his brother teary eyed!

Lisa, Ron & Sophie will be coming home late this afternoon. Hoping to add some photos to the blog once I get some from their camera.

My niece is coming!

My sister Lisa's water broke around 7pm Chicago time & I was at Bunko w/a friend & missed her call as well as the call from my Mom & 4 from Scott! Needless to say-I did not find out until well after 10pm that she was in labor!

I've changed my surprise flight to Chicago from Sept. 24th to today (Sept. 13th) and will be leaving in 7 hours to head out there-still surprising her! We'll attempt to keep my blog posted!


So over the past few months I've had several friends in my life that have had unfortunate tragedies and hardships occur in their life. Each one has made me realize how fortunate I am for the blessings that have been provided to me in my own life. And each occurance instills in me to appreciate my family and friends even more so.

For those of you who bother to read my blog-it was sent to you because I think of you often-even though we may not hear from each other and I feel truly blessed to have you as part of my life in some shape or form.

I'd like to send special prayers to Casey, Kira, Aunt Joanne, Aunt Barbara, Dad, as well as my cousins David, Corey & Ryan. And to Kay & Scott, and my long-time friend Debbi. I also send a blanket prayer to those of you who are struggling with anything in your life that I do not know about.

God Bless!
-Jill & Scott

Getting started

So-I wanted to start blogging for several reasons:
1) for family & friends near and far away to keep up with our lives,
2) so I could/would start journaling again as I miss it (although I’ve been fairly good at writing in Leah & Nolan’s journals )

Ok, so our life has been crazy-hectic and I can’t even tell you with what. Our summer has flown by and not even 1 camping trip outside of our annual Fort Bragg abalone trip.

We bought our travel trailer in January 2007 and have spent equal amounts of time camping in hospital parking lots as we have at actual campgrounds or other recreational areas. Since we have the trailer-we can camp all year round and Scott says we’ll set up some winter trips-which sounds idyllic, but in reality-with Nolan crawling everywhere and starting to walk in the next 6 months, I’m not sure how realistic this will be. He (Nolan) is all boy and into so much more than Leah ever was!

Nolan will celebrate his first b-day on September 23rd! Yes-my little munchkin will be one. Poor guy got strep throat a couple weeks ago (we’re guessing from our church nursery), and only weighed 16 ½ lbs at the doctor appt. Luckily, Scott, Leah and I did not get it and have remained healthy.

Leah is growing like a weed and will be 4 on December 9th! She is just over 40 inches tall and I have no idea how much she weighs now-but so far I can still carry her in from the car when she falls asleep. I’m guessing 35-36 pounds maybe.

September is already booked with slaughtering/butchering our 2 pigs-Wilbur & Babe, this weekend. The following weekend we will be celebrating Nolan’s birthday a bit early since his birthday falls on Tuesday & we started Leah in Awana’s with our local church on Tuesday nights. And the last weekend we will most likely be up at my mom’s place so Scott can help my step-dad re-install his transmission. (Long story-we spent all of last weekend there while Scott helped install it the first time!)

And October is starting out just as busy. My dad’s brother, my uncle Jim passed away in Thailand last week & the family service as well as the public service is set for Oct. 4th & 5th. We had plans set for those days-but obviously cancelled them.

As you can see-a lot going on in our lives. I have another post to add-but wanted it to be a separate post.

September 9, 2008

Ok, so it's only taken me 2 1/2 months to figure out how to add pictures to this. Still working on this page & hoping to write another detailed Blog tomorrow. Hoping I will be able to send this link to everyone to have our blog up & running & we'll see how this goes.

Will try my best to find time each week to update w/photos, stories, thoughts etc.
